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StorySeptember 19, 2022

Better Together Foundation Uplifts People Facing Hardships in Our Communities

Post Consumer Brands Better Together Foundation members volunteering

The Better Together Foundation, supported by Post Consumer Brands®, has distributed over $2.6 million in charitable grants and donations to local nonprofits since its founding in 1966. Employee founded and managed, the Better Together Foundation is reflective of employees’ passion for giving back to our local communities and supporting those experiencing hardships – from medical issues, to natural disasters and more.

Watch the video below to learn about the Better Together Foundation and hear about some of the causes Post employees support:

The program is fully funded by employee contributions, donations and fundraisers hosted by Post Consumer Brands team members throughout the year. These efforts go toward nonprofits and other community service organizations within our local communities, in addition to employees’ friends and loved ones facing challenges.

Patty Ann Teide, master data supervisor at Post Consumer Brands, has a neighbor that went through the unimaginable last spring. Their home was destroyed in an explosion, resulting in a 20-year-old losing her life. Post employees’ part of the Better Together Foundation helped support the families impacted by this sudden tragedy.

An unexpected crisis often leads to the need for immediate funds to help put their lives back together again, and Post worked to reduce the financial burden put on these families.

“For our co-workers here, it’s not all about the cereal. There’s something else that goes with the job,” says Linus Langer, operator at Post Consumer Brands.

Here are some of the organizations that the Better Together Foundation has supported:

The Post team is glad to help individuals through these crises by providing financial support, supplies and more. This support makes a difference in the lives of others, and that is core to Post’s values.

Amy DeSutter, product sensory technician at Post Consumer Brands, says, “it provides hope to people that are really having a tough time.”

See more causes our employees support through contributions and fundraisers hosted by the Better Together Foundation.