Prep Time 25 mins
Total Time 1 hr 25 mins
Malt-O-Meal® Cereal Santa Hat Cupcakes
This Santa hat cupcakes recipe uses Malt-O-Meal® Berry Colossal Crunch® cereal, small sugar cones, and cupcake mix with frosting. Try this creative recipe at your next holiday shindig!

- any flavor cupcake mix and white frosting
- small sugar cones
- Malt-O-Meal® Berry Colossal Crunch® cereal
- small marshmallows
- Make cupcakes following directions on the box. Allow to cool.
- Using a small spatula, spread the white cake frosting evenly on the sugar cone.
- Pick out the red pieces of Malt-O-Meal Colossal Berry Crunch cereal and place them on the cone.
- Take one marshmallow and add a dab of white cake frosting to the end. Place on top of the cone.
- Place the finished cone on top of the cupcake, and press down gently.
- Enjoy!